Diana Ross and Tracy Morgan Need An Alcohol Awareness Class

by: Mike Miller

Blog reader question – are celebrities role models? According to many of my students in the drug and alcohol classes I teach, the answer is no. Most ridicule the stars for their behavior, though many admit they would love to be rich. Who wouldn’t?

A pair of celebrities that have not been model citizens when it comes to driving under the influence are Diana Ross and Tracy Morgan. Ross is one of the all-time great Motown singers and Morgan was staple on Saturday Night Live for years. Both of them drank a lot of alcohol and got behind the wheel.

Diana Ross Totally Hammered

When she was pulled over back in December 2002 in Arizona Ross’ blood-alcohol concentration was more than three times the legal limit. For her offense Ross served two days in jail and was given one year of unsupervised probation. She pleaded no contest to the offense.

Morgan Finds Negative Spotlight

Most recently Tracy Morgan, known for both SNL and 30 Rock, was in the news due to an anti-gay slur. However, back in December 2005 he was arrested for DUI.

As proof that alcohol makes you do stupid things, Morgan was speeding down the interstate when police pulled him over. Officers smelled alcohol, Morgan failed the field sobriety test and then blew a .13. After pleading no contest he served three years of probation.

Folks, please remember do not drink and drive, and celebrities are not people to model your life after.