Pimping for Beer

by: Mike Miller

If you are a male and over the age of 14 and under the age of 30, there is a better than even chance that you have been involved in pimping alcohol. Pimping alcohol is having someone over 21 buy you alcohol, or ion the other side of the coin, you buy alcohol for anyone you know to be under 21.

Which side of the coin do you stand on?

As a counselor for both classroom and online alcohol classes, I can tell you that a great majority of my students, I would say 80% of males and 50% of females, have been involved in a “pimping” situation.

Let me state first and foremost that “pimping” alcohol is morally and legally wrong on both sides of the coin. I have to admit that even I was guilty at an early age. I do remember the first time I “pimped” beer.  I gave a Hispanic guy a $5 bill and asked for a 6-pack of Bud Light. He came out with a 6-pack of Budweiser Long (16 ouncers) and gave me change.

While I remember the kindness of that gentleman, I always have been too much of a coward to buy for minors. Part of me feels guilty about not paying the favor back.  However, I know it is wrong and so should you.

Rocky Mountain High

The story came out of Granby, Colorado recently where four out of the towns 123 establishments holding licenses to sell alcohol, failed an undercover operation by selling to minors.  One was a 7-11, two were liquor stores and one was a bar.

The penalty for buying or selling alcohol to or for a minor can be relatively costly.  Fines range from $500-$5000 and there is the possibility of spending up to 18 months in jail.

The moral of the story – be smart – don’t pimp!

Source: http://www.skyhidailynews.com/article/20110421/NEWS/110429989/1079&ParentProfile=1067