George Zimmerman’s Supporter in Need of an Florida DUI School

by: Mike Miller

You all recognize the name George Zimmerman right? He is the neighborhood watch vigilante in Florida who shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin and stirred up a storm of controversy in both Florida and the nation.

Frank Taaffe, the Sanford, Florida neighbor who has been one of George Zimmerman’s staunchest supporters as he fights second degree murder charges in the killing of Martin, now has his own case to argue. As reported in

Taaffe was charged and arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI). He had mixed alcohol with prescription anxiety medication, which intensified the effects of alcohol.

There are always excuses and while I can sympathize that Taaffe may have had some serious personal trauma in the past, blaming it on not reading the medication bottle and knowing that alcohol will adversely affect the body in combination with the meds is inexcusable. What medication is not affected by booze?

Taaffe had been hospitalized about a week prior to the arrest, and given anxiety medication after being hospitalized for chest pains. He said the hospitalization was related to the anniversary of his son’s death.

This is not Taaffe’s first run-in with the law.

He faced misdemeanor battery and domestic violence charges in 1997 and 1999, respectively, in incidents involving his ex-wife, Susan. More recently, Taaffe faced two separate requests for protective orders, in cases of “repeat violence.”

Zimmerman too has had previous run-ins with the law.

Zimmerman was arrested in 2005 on domestic battery charges involving a former girlfriend, and in 2005 on charges of battery on a law enforcement officer.

The cases involving both of these gentlemen are disturbing to say the least. Both appear to have anger management issues and probably should not be involved in neighborhood watch programs. Taaffe needs a Florida DUI class and possible a drug class as well. I am certain America will be riveted to the Zimmerman case.