Beer Tax Hike or Online Alcohol Class?

by: Mike Miller

What do you think would have a stronger effect on people’s drinking habits – a tax increase on beer or an alcohol awareness class? I hope you answered – an alcohol class.

There are a number of lawmakers who feel that increasing the beer tax by 10 cents per gallon will keep people from becoming alcoholics, or make those with severe drinking problems discontinue their use. What do you think? As reported in

I can tell you this, Nucky Thompson, the Steve Buscemi character from the HBO hit television series “Boardwalk Empire” would have no problem with a 10 cent per gallon tax on booze.

New Hampshire's current beer tax is 30 cents per gallon. While a 30% increase may sound excessive, it is important to note that the state has not raised its liquor or beer taxes since 1991.

As a counselor for both in-class and online alcohol classes I can assure you that this tax will not diminish use in any way, shape or form!

Any increase like this should be put to good use in the form of alcohol education. The state should use these funds to cover online alcohol classes for any offender who has an alcohol-related offense. I welcome your thoughts on this issue.