Any Positive News on Prescription Drugs?

by: Mike Miller

When was the last time you heard anything positive with respect to abuse and prescription medication? For me, I don’t think I ever have heard positive news as it relates to prescription drug abuse.

In Ohio – there may be some good news.

There are 1 million fewer prescription pills on the streets in 2011 as compared to 2010, according to the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services.

The decrease in pills comes in Scioto and Gallia counties (Ohio), ranked among the worst in the state for prescription drug abuse. Residents in other counties wonder if the state can also decrease the problem in their county.

Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS) credits the decrease to several factors, including actions taken by Ohio's Drug Abuse Task force and crackdowns on pill mills.

The problem with prescription drugs begins in high school.

A pharmacist at the Ashville Apothecary says his recent experience supports the idea the state's efforts are working.

The pharmacist said he used to see approximately 25 to 30 suspicious prescriptions a week. He now sees less than half that.

However, others say there is no problem with prescription drugs.

Prescription drug abuse is an epidemic problem in this country right now. Lawmakers need to get off the snide and do something to regulate the abuse of these pills!