A 12 Hour Alcohol Awarenss Class Could Save Your Marriage

by: Mike Miller

Is it possible that a 12 hour alcohol awareness class could save your marriage? You bet it is!

The issue comes when one spouse enjoys imbibing in fermented beverages and the other abstains from booze or drinks very little. As reported in www.latimes.com.

Is it surprising that when it comes to drinking — as in so many other facets of marriage — compatibility may be key to keeping couples together?

A recent study which looked at 19,977 married couples in one county in Norway reported that spouses who consume about the same amount of alcohol were less likely to divorce than pairs where one partner is a heavy drinker and the other is not — especially when the wife is the one doing the drinking.

Wives Should Take 12 Hour Alcohol Awareness Class

The study found that divorce was generally more common in couples with high rates of alcohol consumption, but that the highest divorce rates were found in couples where only the woman was a heavy drinker. Among couples where the wife reported being a heavy drinker and the husband a light drinker, the divorce rate was 26.8%; when the positions were switched and the husband was the heavy drinker, the divorce rate was 13.1%.

Why do you think that is? Are women more tolerant of men’s behavior?

In couples where both members were heavy drinkers, the divorce rate was 17.2%.

How often do you think light drinking couples divorced? Couples in the study who both reported being light drinkers divorced just 5.8% of the time.

The best approach might be for husbands and wives to strive for matching amounts of light or moderate drinking. Either way, I think couples should each take an 12-hour online alcohol class and discuss their thoughts among themselves and on our onlinealcoholclass.com blog!