Alternatives to Drinking

If drinking alcohol has become a large part of your life, then it may be time to find alternative activities. Especially, if you have a problem with booze. After all, the more you drink- the more tolerant your body becomes to the effects of alcohol and starts to need greater and greater amounts to feel "good". Online Alcohol Class not only encourages you to enroll in one of our courses so you can educate yourself on alcohol, but here are some other activities you can incorporate into your life and reduce the amount of alcohol you consume.


It's important to exercise regularly. Not only will exercising help you stay in shape, but it will also help you keep a clear and healthy mind. You don’t have to belong to a gym to get a good workout. You can run or walk outside, join a team sport, sign up for tennis, take yoga classes, or watch exercise videos online or with a DVD. Commit to learning a new skill such as a martial art, yoga, tennis, or surfing. Exercise is not only great for the mind and body, but once your body starts to feel great, you will not want to ruin it with alcohol.

Learn Something New

When we are young, we are eager and available to learn new things. However, as we age, we forget the excitement and skills involved with learning something new. Some people discourage learning something new with the thought,"you can't teach an old dog new tricks", but this is avoidant and negative. People can learn at any age. Look to see what classes are available in your community and sign up for something. Perhaps an art or photography class, cooking course, learning a new language, or playing an instrument. The goal is to find something that you're interested in and to pursue it. When our lives become fuller, alcohol is no longer needed to fill that void.

Volunteer Work

Have you ever thought about volunteering your time? Volunteer work can be wonderfully rewarding and not only helpful to others, but incredibly satisfying. Whether you like working with people or animals, there are so many places in need of your help. Being generous with yourself and time is a great way to give back to the community and help others. Volunteering is also a great way to stay positive and promote goodness.

Take a Trip

If you need to clear your mind and refresh, then taking a trip may be in order. Of course, you don’t want to go to a drinking destination like Las Vegas or Cancun but make the trip about something other than partying. For example, sign up for a yoga or hiking retreat trip. Take a road trip to a new place, go camping near a lake. Getting out in nature can help heal and balance yourself. Sometimes, just getting away from your routine can give you renewed energy and help you feel refreshed.

Stay Positive

Above all else, make sure you work on staying positive. Keeping a positive attitude will help you get through most situations. If you do happen to fall into trouble, reach out and seek help. There are so many compassionate people who are willing to help, please take the step to ask.