Burke County Drug and Alcohol Awareness Classes

OnlineAlcoholClass.com offers the finest Burke County, North Carolina alcohol awareness classes. Our classes are presented in lengths from 8 hours up to 24 hours.

These Burke County, North Carolina alcohol classes are ideal to complete a court alcohol awareness class requirement, employer requirement. You may also take our classes if your are looking for in personal growth. Our classes are completely self-paced and can be accessed from any computer, notebook or tablet. A certificate of completion is sent to you once you successfully completing the course.

Our alcohol courses have been developed and written by trained educators. The courses are both educational and easy to use. They contain the course materials that are intended to meet Burke County, NC requirements.

We're so confident in our online classes that it's completely guaranteed.

Get started today! Click here to register.

Class Price
8 Hour (Level 1) Alcohol Awareness Class $149 Register Now
10 Hour (Level 1) Alcohol Awareness Class $179 Register Now
12 Hour (Level 1) Alcohol Awareness Class $199 Register Now
12 Hour (Level 2) Alcohol Awareness Class $199 Register Now
16 Hour (Level 2) Alcohol Awareness Class $249 Register Now
20 Hour (Level 2) Alcohol Awareness Class $299 Register Now
21 Hour Alcohol Awareness Class $309 Register Now
24 Hour (Level 2) Alcohol Awareness Class $319 Register Now
26 Hour Alcohol Awareness Class $324 Register Now
30 Hour Alcohol Awareness Class $339 Register Now
36 Hour Alcohol Awareness Class $349 Register Now

North Carolina Alcohol and Drug Awareness Class Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do you accept major credit cards for payment?

When you sign up for our Burke County, North Carolina online alcohol awareness class, you can use any major credit card, including MasterCard, Visa or Amex. All your credit card information is securely encrypted when you enter it our website and when we communicate with our credit card processor.

2. What is price for the Online Alcohol Class online alcohol awareness class?

For the complete 8 hour Burke County, North Carolina online alcohol class the cost is $149. This cost is slightly higher for the 12 hour ($199), 16 hour ($249) and 24 hour ($319) Burke County, North Carolina classes.

3. What do I have to do to take the Burke County, North Carolina alcohol awareness class?

It's simple! Study the Burke County, North Carolina alcohol course material and answer the questions which appear. Take the final exam which will appear at the end of the course. It is made up of multiple choice questions pertaining to the course material. If you don't pass the final quiz, you can re-take it until you do - with NO additional charges.

4. Can I begin the Burke County, North Carolina alcohol awareness on one computer and continue it on another?

Yes. You can begin the program on one PC and continue on another. Your location in the class is automatically tracked so that when you come back to the course, you will be taken to the lesson you last visited.

5. May I start and stop the Online Alcohol Class alcohol course if needed?

Yes. The Online Alcohol Class Burke County, North Carolina online alcohol awareness class can work around your busy schedule. You can start and stop an number unlimited times when you take the course. Our Online Alcohol Class website can resume where you left off!

6. When I finish the Online Alcohol Class Burke County, North Carolina online alcohol awareness class, where will my Burke County, North Carolina certificate of completion be sent?

After you complete the Burke County, North Carolina online alcohol awareness class, we will mail the original certificate to you. However, if you are taking the class for a court requirement, it is your responsibility to submit the Burke County, North Carolina certificate to your Burke County, North Carolina court.

7. What is the length of the Burke County, North Carolina alcohol class?

You should expect to spend approximately eight, twelve, sixteen, or twenty-four hours on the Burke County, North Carolina alcohol class (depending on which version you purchased). This self-paced Burke County, North Carolina online alcohol awareness course is not timed. Online Alcohol Class can easily fit into your schedule!

8. Are the Burke County, North Carolina alcohol awareness quizzes counted against my overall score?

No. The Online Alcohol Class Burke County, North Carolina alcohol awareness quizzes are meant to prepare you for the Burke County, North Carolina final exam, and they do not count against your overall score. You must score 80% on the Burke County, North Carolina exam in order to pass. However, you may re-take the Burke County, North Carolina exam as many times as necessary in order to pass, at no additional charge.

9. Is there special software I need for this class?

No! You can take the class with your internet browser so no special software is required. All you need is just your PC or Mac web browser to take this class (the same software you are using to look at this page).

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