How Alcohol Impairs You

Are you familiar with the dangers that can occur as a result of drinking too much alcohol? It's important to know how alcohol impairs you but if you've never learned about alcohol, then consider enrolling in an alcohol awareness course.

Alcohol Consumption — The Facts

Consuming alcohol causes a variety of changes to the brain and body. These affects also impact your judgment and ability to make good decisions. Alcohol is a drug and abusing it results in:

  • Loss of Coordination
  • Poor Judgment
  • Slowed Reflexes
  • Distorted Vision
  • Memory Lapse
  • Blackout

The impact of these various symptoms depends on your tolerance (how accustomed your body is to alcohol), your weight, your gender (men and women process alcohol differently), how much and how quickly you're drinking and what type of alcohol is being consumed. The absorption of alcohol is slower when there is food in the stomach (after a meal).

Alcohol harms your organs and consistently abusing alcohol can permanently damage your liver.

Behavioral Problems

Alcohol also affects your behavior. This drug is a depressant which means that it depresses your central nervous system resulting in feeling more relaxed and liberated. These affects tend to lower your inhibitions and self-discipline. People who drink often feel "bolder" and more confident. They may do things under the influence that they wouldn't do sober. For example, calling your x-boyfriend or going home with someone you just met at a bar.

People who are under the influence of alcohol have poor judgement and often miscalculate their own abilities. People think they are able to drive safely when they are not. This is why DUI is so dangerous.

Make Good Decisions

It's especially important to make good decisions when drinking alcohol so are responsible and risk free. Take an alcohol education course to learn more facts about drinking. Be a leader and positive role model.